Swiss Disability And Development Consortium


Swiss Disability and
Development Consortium

Januar 2022

Factsheet: Anwendung des «Disability Markers» durch die Schweiz

Switzerland started applying the OECD DAC disability policy marker in 2018. The disability marker is a statistical tool of the OECD, which allows OECD countries to assess to what extent their projects and programmes are disability inclusive. It also gives an overview of much funding is dedicated to disability inclusion. In 2019, 3% of all […]

Factsheet: Anwendung des «Disability Markers» durch die Schweiz Weiterlesen »

Alternativbericht zur List of Issues im Rahmen der UNO-BRK-Überprüfung der Schweiz

The Swiss Disability and Development Consortium (SDDC) officially submitted an Alternative Report to the UN-CRPD Committee, in view of the upcoming Review of Switzerland on the 9th and 10th of March, 2022. The report provides an alternative view on the official response by the Swiss Government on the List of Issues submitted on 25 September

Alternativbericht zur List of Issues im Rahmen der UNO-BRK-Überprüfung der Schweiz Weiterlesen »

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