Swiss Disability And Development Consortium


Swiss Disability and
Development Consortium


Babita has a psychosocial disability. She could not continue her education due to a variety of barriers. With the support from her family, she is now involved in tailoring and sustaining her life.

Portrait of Babita. Her hair drapes to the front of her shoulders. She is smiling, showing her white teeth. She has a small, silver nose piercing and is wearing a red jacket this is closed all the way to the top.
A bush of orange Marigold flowers.

“This is the Marigold flower. Every year we plant this flower and wait for it to bloom to use it during Tihar. We use it then to worship gods and also during "Bhai Tika" to worship and make garlands for our brothers. […] I feel happy during festivals.”

“This is my transcript. I only studied until high school. I wanted to study more. I love to study. I couldn't because of marriage.”

Babita’s school transcript.
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