“My Lens My Reality” Exhibition at the International Cooperation Forum

The exhibition “मेरो लेन्स मेरो यथार्थ” was shown at the International Cooperation Forum in Geneva on 15 February 2023. Representatives from government, academia, the private and financial sectors, NGO sector and civil society, gathered to exchange on this year’s topic “Education for Future” and the achievement of SDG 4 (education).

CBM Switzerland, together with Handicap International Switzerland and the International Disability Alliance were there representing the SDDC coalition and advocating for inclusive education for all.

Deu Kumari on her cycle.
This woman never had to opportunity to receive formal education. She was sent to her uncle’s house to work at a young age. This hindered not only her access to education, but also her self-confidence.  

The study on “Women with disabilities in Nepal”, on which the exhibition is based, clearly demonstrates that women and girls with disabilities are often denied access to education due to stigmatisation and discrimination. When they do attend school, accessibility is rarely guaranteed; reasonable accommodation and personal assistive devices are lacking. This impedes on their ability to fully benefit from the lessons.  

Rashmi speaking in sign language.
“In my life, it was difficult to get access to education in the beginning because of communication barriers. My family does not know sign language.” 

If we want to achieve the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals it is essential to include persons with disabilities and make educational opportunities inclusive. 

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