Swiss Platform Agenda 2030 releases civil society report on SDG implementation by Switzerland

The civil society report by the Swiss Platform Agenda 2030 on the implementation of the SDGs by Switzerland, was released on June 6, 2022. The Swiss Disability and Development Consortium (SDDC) provided input to the report, particularly around SDG 1 (poverty) and 10 (inequality). The report addresses progress and challenges in achieving the 17 Sustainable Development Goals and makes clear recommendations for Switzerland. Because one thing is clear: If Switzerland does not act decisively now, it will have serious consequences for everyone.

The Swiss country progress report on the SDGs does not address the extent to which Switzerland contributes to achieving the inclusion of persons with disabilities within its international cooperation. This is particularly unfortunate because the structure of the country report is promising. In addition to the national context, the international level is always taken into account. However, persons with disabilities globally, are not mentioned.

Read the civil society report here
Additional analysis by CBM Switzerland can be found here

SDGs cubes in front of the Swiss Parliamentary Building in Bern, Switzerland

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